1105 Technological Solutions
2006 CRN 21345
TR 1:30-2:45
CCT 122
Instructor(s): Dr.
Wayne Summers
CCT455 Office
phone: (706) 568-3057
Department phone: (706) 568-2410 Department
FAX: (706) 565-3529
Office Hours: 10-10:50 a.m. MWF (in online chat); 3-3:50 p.m. TR (in online
chat); via e-mail, net-meetings and by appointment
e-mail address: summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu
Computer Science 1105 - Technological
Solutions: An introduction to the Microsoft Windows XP
environment and common Windows application software. The course is designed to
give the student fundamental knowledge of Windows. The student is expected to
have basic computer skills in hardware and common Windows XP application
software. Computer assignments use application software packages.
University Requirement: This course satisfies the University requirement
regarding computer literacy.
Learning Objectives:
1. Students successfully completing
this course will gain knowledge of Technological Solutions and the
Microsoft Office 2003 programs.
2. Students will learn how to use Windows,
Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, and Front Page.
3. Students will be able to use these
programs at a beginning and intermediate level to solve problems.
4. Students will develop critical
thinking and technical skills through study of texts and exams.
Required Materials:
- Shelly, Cashman,
Vermatt, Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory
Concepts and Techniques, Second Edition, Course Technology, ISBN 0-619-25485-8. (Study the
"Preface" in your book so you will learn the approach of the
authors, Shelly and Cashman. Instead of
chapters, the authors present "projects" for you to complete)
- Evans, FrontPage 2003
Introductory, Course Technology, ISBN 0-619-27353-4.
- SAM 2003 Student Assessment and
Tutorial/CD - 3.0
A computer with internet access
WebCT Vista
CougarNet Email
How to buy the SAM/TOM access code
& student tutorial [ISBN:
A) You MAY ORDER your SAM 2003
Assessment and Tutorial/CD online from the publisher, Course Technology
B) http://www.course.com/catalog/product.cfm?isbn=0-619-17234-7
C) Purchase the item as part of the bundled package from the bookstore (be sure to double check the ISBN so
you will order the correct item)
Important: you will be dropped from this class if you are not listed
on our SAM roster by the end of the second week of the semester (Read the
information at the bottom of this page regarding "joining" a SAM section)
*This online transaction requires a credit card.
Testing: You must take the mid-term and final exams (information is posted
on the syllabus or on your WebCT Vista calendar;
check both for details)
Topics to be
found on the Columbus
State University
Library/Galileo Web site; familiarize yourself with
this material.
Workload: The Board of Regents suggests two hours of
outside preparation for each credit hour course. In a 50% online course, students should add three hours to compensate
for the seated class time and therefore expect to study a minimum of eighteen
hours each week. Since students' ability to read for content varies this is
only an estimate of required reading and study time. Students will be expected
to read, study, and work all projects assigned before the posted exam
date. A tentative schedule of topics is
provided below. Any deviation from this schedule will be announced by a posted
message to WebCT Vista. All students are responsible for
announcements posted to WebCT Vista whether you log
on to WebCT Vista or not.
Attendance: Class attendance is measured by
posting to roll call each week on WebCT Vista. Regular attendance is required. There is no
need to provide an excuse for an absence (except for exams) since all absences
will be regarded as absences.
Policies: You are responsible for all class work missed,
regardless of the reason for the absence(s). Late assignments will not be
accepted. No makeup exams or quizzes will be given, so please make sure you are
present for all exams/quizzes. Refer to the CSU Catalog (http://aa.ColumbusState.edu/advising/a.htm#Attendance%20Policy) for more information on class attendance and
CSU Paper
Allocation: It is your responsibility to keep track of this so that you have enough
pages to print your CPSC 1105 assignments when necessary. Having exhausted your
allotment will not be accepted as an excuse for not turning in your required
printouts. Refer to the Student Handbook or CINS for information about
requesting additional pages.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is
not limited to, activities such as cheating and plagiarism (http://aa.ColumbusState.edu/advising/a.htm#Academic%20Dishonesty/Academic%20Misconduct). It is a basis for disciplinary action. Any work
turned in for individual credit must be entirely the work of the student
submitting the work. All work must be your own. [For group projects, the
work must be done only by members of the group.] You may share ideas but submitting identical
assignments (for example) will be considered cheating. You may discuss
the material in the course and help one another with debugging; however, any
work you hand in for a grade must be your own. A simple
way to avoid inadvertent plagiarism is to talk about the assignments, but
don't read each other's work or write solutions together unless otherwise
directed by your instructor. For your own protection, keep scratch paper and
old versions of assignments to establish ownership, until after the
assignment has been graded and returned to you. If you have any
questions about this, please see your instructor immediately. For assignments, access to notes, the course
textbooks, books and other publications is allowed. All work that is not your
own, MUST be properly cited. This includes any material found on the
Internet. Stealing or giving or receiving any code, diagrams, drawings, text
or designs from another person (CSU or non-CSU, including the Internet) is
not allowed. Having access to another person’s work on the computer system or
giving access to your work to another person is not allowed. It is your
responsibility to prevent others from having unauthorized access to your
cheating in any form will be tolerated. Penalties for academic dishonesty may
include a zero grade on the assignment or exam/quiz, a failing grade for the
course, suspension from the Computer Science program, and dismissal from the
program. All instances of cheating will be documented in writing with a copy
placed in the Department’s files. Students will be expected to discuss the
academic misconduct with the faculty member and the chairperson. For more
details see the Faculty Handbook: http://aa.ColumbusState.edu/faculty/FacHandbook0203/sec100.htm#109.14
and the Student Handbook: http://sa.ColumbusState.edu/handbook/handbook2003.pdf
help: You can always contact
me during my posted office hours, by e-mail, or by appointment.
CSU ADA statement: If you have a documented disability as described by
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 933-112 Section 504) and Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) and would like to request academic and/or physical
accommodations please contact Joy Norman at the Office of Disability Services
in the Center for Academic Support and Student Retention, Tucker Hall (706)
568-2330, as soon as possible. Course requirements will not be waived but
reasonable accommodations may be provided as appropriate.
Assessment of Learning
Outcomes: Testing and Grading: Grades are assigned on a ten-point scale as follows:
A - 90-100%; B - 80-89%; C - 70-79%; D - 60-69%; F - 59 and below
The Final grade will be
computed as follows:
Windows Test – 50 points
Internet Test
– 50 points
Word Test - 100
Excel Test - 100 points
Power Point Test - 100 points
Access Test - 100 points
Graded Assignments points possible:
Word Project: 25 points
Excel Project: 25 points
PowerPoint Project: 25 points
Integration Project PPT/Access: 25 points
Front Page: 25 points
Grading Assignment Rubric:
A (90-100): The student fulfills or exceeds all of the assigned content
requirements. The student’s knowledge of the subject is accurate throughout.
The student exhibits convincing range and quality of knowledge, having done
appropriate research, if applicable.
B (80-89): The student fulfills all of the important assigned content
requirements. The student’s knowledge of the subject is accurate throughout
except in minor details. The student seems informed on the subject, having done
appropriate research, if applicable
C (70-79): The student fulfills most of the important assigned content
requirements. The student’s knowledge of the subject is generally accurate,
though flawed. The student exhibits limited range or quality of knowledge,
having done limited appropriate research, if applicable.
D (60-69): The student fulfills some of the important assigned content
requirements. The student’s knowledge of the subject is generally accurate,
though flawed. The student exhibits limited range or quality of knowledge,
having done minimal appropriate research, if applicable.
F (0-59): The student fails to address the important requirements of the course.
The student’s knowledge of the subject is generally inaccurate. The student’s
knowledge of the subject lacks range or quality
NOTE: Points will be
deducted for misspellings and grammar errors.
Course Requirements
1. Completion of each
course topic by the published date. (Refer to the course calendar
found in WebCT Vista for details such as completion
2. Completion of all projects/graded
assignments, mid-term exam, and final exam.
(Important: assignments
submitted for grading MUST be created using the most current version of
Microsoft Office which includes Word 2003, Excel 2003, PowerPoint 2003, Access
2003, and FrontPage 2003. No points will be given for assignments
submitted in versions other than 2003. There
will be no opportunity to make up this work.)
3. Post to Roll Call each Tuesday.
4. Communicate via WebCT Vista:
IMPORTANT: No one is
exempt from these requirements; therefore, if your off-campus computer prevents
you from fulfilling these requirements, you are expected to use one of the
computers on campus.
Makeups: No
make-ups will be given for exams or assignments turned in late. Please mark
your calendar now for exam dates, change doctors’ appointments and make backup
arrangements for transportation and childcare. Exam dates appear below and will
not be rescheduled. In the case of documented extreme medical emergency the
instructor must be contacted BEFORE the exam is proctored.
Withdrawal: It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to indicate a drop from the
course. Failure to withdraw from the course by the indicated date will result
in a grade of WF or F. Please refer to the CSU Online Catalogue for "W" grade procedures and the CSU Schedule of Courses Booklet for the exact deadline date.
Tutoring and
out of Class Assistance: The
instructor is available during office hours and by appointment. Students should
contact the instructor with questions and concerns during office hours or by
schedule is subject to change.
How to Get
Post a message to Roll Call for the week of March 2,
2006 on WebCT Vista.
From any computer that has internet access, type the url address: http://WebCT.ColumbusState.edu/ and
logon to WebCT Vista.
Your WebCT Vista username
is lastname_firstname and your password is
DDMMYY. Your usernameis
in lowercase letters.
Open the course Technological Solutions – Summers
Click on the Discussion link and post a Roll Call
message to the March 2 Roll Call Topic.
Buy your SAM/TOM CD
Set up your SAM profile (instructions will be listed
on WebCT Vista)