LAB ASSIGNMENT 14 – Network Security


This assignment will allow you to assume the roll of a network security professional. You will make decisions that effect how a network's security options are configured. The CyberProtect software will then test your configuration against random network attack scenarios. You should gain insight into the types of resources available that can enhance the security of a computer network. You will also be familiarized with the different types of attacks that computer networks are susceptible to.

CyberProtect, was developed as a training aid for novice network security professionals. The Defense Information Systems Agency,, in conjunction with several entertainment software companies, produced an award winning simulation of a yearlong life cycle of a simple computer network. Cyber Protect provides a user the opportunity to configure network security features and run them against real world network security attacks.

Install the Cyber Protect software and Quick time 3.0. (Navigate to the setup icon on the CD and double click. Installation of the CyberProtect and QuickTime 3 software is required to use the simulator.)

a.      Run the program by double clicking the Cyber Protect icon.

b.      When setting up the user name please use your name as the first field and a name variation for the second field. This should allow for multiple attempts to configure the optimum network security.

c.      Follow the introduction instructions and view the tutorial for new users.

d.      Play.

e.      When the 4th quarter report has been produced, and you are satisfied with you overall rating, choose the print report option. At a minimum print the overall ratings page and your network design picture. If you are not satisfied with your rating close the program then repeat steps 3-6.

f.        Answer the following questions:

                                                              i.      How many attacks were launched on your network?

                                                            ii.      Describe each of the attacks.

                                                          iii.      What tools were used to defend against each attack?

                                                           iv.      What was your cumulative readiness rating?

                                                             v.      Describe your strategy for protecting your network