Lab 10 – Troubleshooting Linux and Apache Systems


Materials Needed:

1)      Computer

2)      Internet connection

3)      Root access to Linux account


· Managing Users and Groups

  1. Log onto the Linux computer with your account and find the list of users and groups in /etc/passwd and /etc/group.
  2. Note that the passwords are not displayed in passwd. They are stored in /etc/shadow. You need to switch to the root account to view the encrypted passwords in /etc/shadow [This is done by typing su at the command prompt and then entered the administrator password.]
  3. What accounts are in the group netsecurity?
  4. What groups is your account in?
  5. What are the permissions on your userid's /home folder?

· Turning Off Unnecessary Services

  1. Log onto the Linux computer with your account
  2. find the list of services running by typing ps aux | more
  3. find the list of services that you are running by typing ps aux | grep username where username is your username
  4. Run netstat -a | more from the command line.
  5. (Run netstat -h to find other options for netstat)
  6. How would you kill(terminate) a process?
  7. Briefly discuss these two ways to determine what services/programs are running in Linux.

· Event Logging

  1. Log onto the Linux computer with your account
  2. Find out who else is on the computer using who and finger [log file /var/run/utmp]
  3. Use last to track who has logged in and out of the system [log file /var/log/wtmp] - When was the system last rebooted?
  4. Log in as root and view /var/log/secure to track access and authentication information

· Review the Apache (httpd) log files

  1. Switch to the root account
  2. View the access_log file in /etc/httpd/logs
  3. View the error_log file in /etc/httpd/logs
  4. /etc/httpd/conf contains the configuration file httpd.conf for Apache

· Host Hardening, Installation, and Patching

  1. Identify the version of linux installed on the computer.
  2.  Does this computer need "patch updating"? How would you apply the updates?