C++ - Pointers
#include "iostream.h"

// This program illustrates simple use of pointers

   int   *pt_int;
   float *pt_float;
   int   cat = 7, dog = 27;
   float x = 1.2345, y = 32.14; 
   pt_int = &cat;
   *pt_int += dog;
   cout << "Cat now has the value of " << *pt_int << "\n";
   pt_float = &x;
   y += 5 * (*pt_float);
   cout << "y now has the value of " << y << "\n";
   const char *name1 = "John";    // Value cannot be changed
   char *const name2 = "John";    // Pointer cannot be changed

// Result of execution
// Cat now has the value of 34
// y now has the value of 38.3125