#include "iostream.h"

// This program illustrates the use of pointers in objects

class box 
   int length;
   int width;
   int *point;
   box(void);         //Constructor
   void set(int new_length, int new_width, int stored_value);
   int get_area(void) {return length * width;}     // Inline
   int get_value(void) {return *point;}               // Inline
   ~box();                                                           //Destructor

box :: box(void)        //Constructor implementation
   length = 8;
   width = 8;
   point = new int;
   *point = 112;

// This method will set a box size to the input parameters
void box :: set(int new_length, int new_width, int stored_value)
   length = new_length;
   width = new_width;
   *point = stored_value;

box :: ~box(void)       //Destructor
   length = 0;
   width = 0;
   delete point;

box small, medium, large;          //Three boxes to work with

   small.set(5, 7, 177);
   large.set(15, 20, 999);
   cout << "The small box area is " << small.get_area() << "\n";
   cout << "The medium box area is " << medium.get_area() << "\n";
   cout << "The large box area is " << large.get_area() << "\n";
   cout << "The small box stored value is " << small.get_value() << "\n";
   cout << "The medium box stored value is " << medium.get_value() << "\n";
   cout << "The large box stored value is " << large.get_value() << "\n";

// Result of execution
// The small box area is 35
// The medium box area is 64
// The large box area is 300
// The small box stored value is 177
// The medium box stored value is 112
// The large box stored value is 999