CS245 - CS II Spring 1997 LAB 10

Due by the end of lab(April 8, 1997):

  1. Copy the program reallist.cpp the from the share drive \\jaring\cs245 to your disk.
  2. Read the program carefully.
  3. Answer the following questions. (You will need to create a datafile to test your program).
    1. Draw a picture of the structure when the data file contains the values 11.1, 22.2, 33.3, 44.4. Use a slash (/) to represent NULL.

    2. What is printed?

    3. Draw a picture of the structure when the data file is empty.

    4. What is printed?

  4. Change the ComponentType to char and answer the following questions.
    1. Draw a picture of the structure when the data file contains the values a, 1, ], b. Use a slash (/) to represent NULL.

    2. What is printed?

    3. Draw a picture of the structure when the data file is empty.

    4. What is printed?