----------------Mahin Hackler-------------------Feb.4, 1996-------------

Lab 3

Write a program that

	1.reads in a string of arbitrary length (less than 20 characters),
	2.write out the string,
	3.reverses the string and prints the resultant string

Be sure to include prompts for the user and a descriptive heading for the output.


void main()
	char *charstring;
	charstring = new char[20];
	char *reversecharstring;
	reversecharstring = new char[20];

	cout << "This program will ask you to enter a string of characters.\n";
	cout << "The string must be less then 20 characters.  The characters\n";
	cout << "will be displayed for you and then they will be displayed\n";
         cout << "in reverse.\n";

	cout << "Please enter a string of characters that is 20\n";
	cout << "less then 20 characters.\n";   //reads in a string of characters
	cin >>  charstring;

	cout << "Here is the string of characters you entered\n";
	cout << charstring << "\n";    //writes out the string

	int i = 0;

	while(charstring[i] != '\0')

	int size = i;

	for(int j = 0; j < size; j++)
		reversecharstring[size - j - 1] = charstring[j];

   reversecharstring[size] = '\0';

	cout << "Here are the characters in reverse\n";
	cout << reversecharstring;