// Angles Gary // file: "atest.cpp" // Main file for alist /* CS245 - CS II Spring 1997 LAB 11 Due by the end of lab(April 15, 1997): Write a program that 1.reads in characters until the user enters a * 2.places them in a list (use the array implementation) 3.displays the length of the list 4.and displays the first and next to last elements in the list NOTE: The array implementation of a list is in ALISTS.H and ALISTS.CPP on the CS245 share drive on Jaring */ #include#include "alists.cpp" void main() { TList Lista; // creates a list to handle chars char Caracter; // creates a char cout << "1.- text in ENGLISH.\n2.- Texto en ESPANOL\n"; int Lang; cin >> Lang; if (Lang == 2) // in case you chose spanish cout<<"\n escriba su letra favorita. "; // you'll get spanish else cout<<"\n enter your favorite character. ";//else the default is english cin>> Caracter; // reads in the character you want to be appended in while (Caracter != '*') // as long as the Caracter is not '*' do { Lista.Insert(Caracter); // it inserts Caracter into List if (Lang == 2) cout<<"\n No te canses, Otra ves. Dime otra letra o * para terminar "; else cout<<"\n Come on don't get tired. Tell me again or * to finish. "; cin>> Caracter; // enter another Caracter to append } if (Lang == 2) cout<<"\n La longitud de la lista es: "<