/*Lawrence Martinez
  Write a program that 

   1.reads in the size of an array of integers from the keyboard, 
   2.reads in an array of numbers from the keyboard, 
   3.displays all of the numbers above the average 


void DisplayIntro()
	cout << "Lawrence Martinez\nCs245 Lab#1";
	cout << "\n\nWrite a program that";
	cout << "\n\t1.reads in the size of an array of integers from the keyboard,";
	cout << "\n\t2.reads in an array of numbers from the keyboard,";
	cout << "\n\t3.displays all of the numbers above the average.";
	cout << "\n\n";

int GetSizeOfArray()
/*Purpose: To prompt user to key in size of an array of integers
  Recieve: NONE
  Return: int lvalue arraySize which holds the size of the array
  Input: From keyboard
  Output: NONE
	int arraySize;
	cout << endl << "Please enter the size of array needed:\n";
	cin >> arraySize;
	return arraySize;

int sum = 0; 			//sum keeps track of running total of all elements
                        					//count keeps track of the number of elements inarray
void main()  					//Main program
	DisplayIntro();  				//Function to display intro
	int size = GetSizeOfArray(); 		//Size is initialized to value inputed by user
	int *arr;                			//Pointer to an integer array
	arr = new int [size];          		//Allocate the size of array
	cout << "\nPlease enter an element, followed by ENTER:\n";
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)     		//Prompt user for element input
		cin >> arr[i];
		sum += arr[i];  			//add each array element to sum

	double average;   			//declaration of object average
	average = double (sum / size);   	//Definition of object average
	cout << "The average of all the elements is: " << average; 					//cout average
																//to user
	cout << "\nThe elements greater than the average are: ";
	for ( int k = 0 ; k < size ; k++ )
	{                                   		//Display output to user
		if (arr[k] > average)      	//Test if elements are > the average
			cout << arr[k] << ", ";  //Display elements < than average