CS245 - CS II FALL 1996

Chapter 13 - The Ultimate Learning Tool

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Historical Perspectives

: The Mainframe Era

TICCIT - Time-Shared Interactive Computer Controlled Information Television (Dist. Ed.)

The Microcomputer Explosion

1975 - Altair 8800 (4K RAM < $1000)

Commodore Pet, Atari, Apple Iie

PC Jr., Macintosh

Microcomputers and Education

"Microcomputers...provide the vehicle through which properly developed software will make incredible changes in our methods of education and training."


13.4 What can a computer teach?

  • cognitive learning
  • pyschomotor skills
  • social interaction

knowledge skills (learning facts) - easy to define and assess achievement

Drill & Practice

thinking skills (ability to analyze and solve problems)

Problem solving games - Carmen Sandiego & Dr. Brain series

games like CivNet

13.5 How Do Computers Help Us Learn

"I hear and I forget,

I see and I remember,

I do and I understand." Chinese Proverb

Drill and Practice - ex. MasterType, MathBlaster, Funnels and Buckets (often include Competition)

JOURNALISM program - incorporates spellchecker and grammar checker

Tutorial (includes dialog strategy) - tutorials for software (Win95, WP, Spreadsheets, Multimedia Computer CD), CPR manikin program

Demonstration - not usuallyinteractive, good in kiosks

Simulation - Plato, SimCity, Balance of Planet, Life and Death program

Virtual Frog Dissection Kit, Carmen SanDiego

Productivity Tools

lab sensing hardware (LabView)



Total Immersion (incorporates all of the teaching/learning strategies and all of the CAI types in one)

"In many schools today, the phrase 'computer-aided instruction' means making the computer teach the child. One might say the computer is being used to program the child. In my vision, the child programs the computer and, in doing so, both acquire a mastery over a piece of the most modern and powerful technology and establishes an intimate contact with some of the deepest ideas from science, from mathematics, and from the art of intellectual model building." Seymour Papert, Mindstorms

LOGO - write a program to draw a square

What Should Computers Help Us Learn?

  1. Reading/writing literacy
  2. Ability to apply math concepts to solve problems
  3. Ability to analyze situations and determine appropriate actions
  4. Technological familiarity
  5. Local and Global Communications Skills
  6. Cultural Awareness
  7. Learning How to Learn
13.7 Courseware Development

Authorware (available in LH2)

13.8 The New Technology

"The further one pursues knowledge, the less one knows" Lao Tse

The Classroom of Tomorrow - Internet, multimedia

The Campus of Tomorrow - Project 2000 - UIUC's Tablet, Plato
Distance Learning

"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in the home" Ken Olsen, 1977

EXERCISES (pg. 369): Due April 18, 1997: 5, 8, 9