What To Measure Exercises

  1. Apply the GQM Model by identifying:
    1. A goal
    2. Question(s)
    3. Metric(s)
  2. Decision Maker Model
    • Discuss with your neighbor:
      1. What does textbook mean by, "The decision maker is the customer for the metric"
      2. Identify who is a decision maker
    • Identify:
      1. A project decision
      2. The decision maker
      3. Project measures would aid the decision maker
  3. Apply the GQM2 Model by identifying:
    1. A goal
    2. Question(s)
    3. Metric(s)
    4. Mechanisms
      1. Who will be responsible
      2. How frequently will the data be collected
      3. How frequently will the data be reported
      4. What infrastructure (staff, tools, etc.) is needed