Learn about and experiment with the following Linux commands (start with just the command and
--help (
ls --help")):
- man - show manual for a command, example: "man ls" (press "q" to exit the man page)
- ls - list directory, similar to dir on windows, example: "ls /etc", use "ls -l /etc" to see more detail
- touch - update the timestamp on a file, example: "touch foobar"
- cd - change directory, example: "cd /etc/"
- cp - copy a file or directory, example: "cp source dest" if you want to copy a directory use the -R option for recursive: "cp -R /source /dest"
- mv - move a file, example: "mv source dest"
- rm - remove a file, example: "rm somefile" to remove a directory you may need the -R option, you can also use the -f option which tells it not to confirm each file: "rm -Rf dir/"
- mkdir - make a directory, example: "mkdir foobar"
- rmdir - remove an empty directory, example: "rmdir foobar"
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this assignment.