Write a Bash script that does the following:
- Displays "Hello!"
- Stores your name in a variable
- Displays your name using a variable
- Stores your research area in a variable
- Tests if your research area is the same as Dr. Carroll's (Bioinformatics). If they're the same, then, displays "Dr. Carroll's research area is cool". Otherwise, displays "Let me tell you about " (and then the name of the research area, again using a variable).
- Uses a loop (that was not covered in lecture) to display information to the screen
- echos the name of your favorite color and stores the stdout in a file named colors.txt
- echos the name of your second favorite color and adds it to the end of the file named colors.txt
- echos the name of the last color that you learned and adds it to the end of the file name colors.txt
- Sorts the contents of colors.txt and stores the result in colors-sorted.txt
You are welcome to help each other on
this assignment.