Homework 06: Chapter 06 Questions

Due: Thursday, February 23th by 5:59 PM
Assignment ID: hwk06


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Homework Questions

Write the answers to the following questions in hwk06.txt:
  1. Exercise 6.8
  2. Explain why Dekker's algorithm in Figure 6.25 satisfies all three requirements for the critical section problem (see Exercise 6.9).
  3. Exercise 6.12
  4. Servers can be designed to limit the number of open connections. For example, a server may wish to have only N socket connections at any point in time. As soon as N connections are made, the server will not accept another incoming connection until an existing connection is released. Explain how semaphores can be used by a server to limit the number of concurrent connections.
  5. If the wait() and signal() semaphore operations are not executed atomically, then mutual exclusion may be violated. Why?


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  handin  hwk06  hwk06.txt

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