Homework: Polymorphism

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For this homework assignment, submit a copy of hwkPolymorphism.cpp. First of all, list the four essential ingredients for having a polymorphic method call in the multi-line comment at the top of the .cpp file. Next, add four classes, all in the hwkPolymorphism.cpp. Start by adding an abstract base class named Account. Choose the method to make it an abstract base class wisely. Additionally, add a SavingsAccount, a CheckingAccount, and a CDAccount each of which inherits from Account. Make sure you put the common private data members and member methods in Account. Label the code (including in main()) with comments where each of the four ingredients is manifest. Additionally, add a comment indicating the polymorphic call.
For full points, do not make changes (except for adding comments) to the body of the main() function.
Your copy needs to compile on ranger using the following command-line:
g++  -std=c++0x  hwkPolymorphism.cpp
Finally, when your code is executed, the output must match what's in hwkPolymorphism-stdout.txt exactly:
(Bank account index 0)
Savings Account Information:
	Balance: $222.21
	Interest rate: 1.2%

(Bank account index 1)
Checking Account Information:
	Balance: $5.69
	Last check number processed: 234

(Bank account index 2)
CD Account Information:
	Balance: $5000
	Interest rate: 2.5%
	Maturity: 6 months


Submit your cpp file at https://3110.cs.mtsu.edu/. For further instructions, please see the Miscellaneous page.


Points          Item
----------      --------------------------------------------------------------
_____ /  1      Four essential ingredients for having a polymorphic method call
_____ /  2      Class Account (abstract base class)
_____ /  1      Class SavingsAccount 
_____ /  1      Class CheckingAccount
_____ /  1      Class CDAccount
_____ /  1      Comments indicating the four essential ingredients
_____ /  1      Comments indicating the polymorphic call

_____ /  8      Total