Binary Search Trees Practice Assignments


Submission Instructions

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YouTube video: codePost: Submission and Checking Results Thumbnail
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Practice Assignments

Binary Search Trees

Add a displayBothChildren method to the BST class that does not take any arguments and produces output that matches the examples below.
Write Java code in a new driver class named that does the following:
  1. Inserts the following values into a new BST:
    {"Binary Search", "AVL", "Two-Three", "Two-Three-Four", "Red-Black", "Splay"}
    and calls displayBothChildren on that BST.
    Binary Search
    + Left  AVL
    + Right Two-Three
            + Left  Red-Black
            |       + Left  (empty)
            |       + Right Splay
            + Right Two-Three-Four
  2. Inserts the following values into a new BST:
    {"Splay", "Binary Search", "Red-Black", "AVL", "Two-Three", "Two-Three-Four"}
    and calls displayBothChildren on that BST. Then, adds
    and calls displayBothChildren again. Notice where the repeated value is stored.
    + Left  Binary Search
    |       + Left  AVL
    |       + Right Red-Black
    + Right Two-Three
            + Left  (empty)
            + Right Two-Three-Four
    + Left  Binary Search
    |       + Left  AVL
    |       + Right Red-Black
    + Right Two-Three
            + Left  Two-Three
            + Right Two-Three-Four
  3. Inserts the following values into a new BST:
    {"AVL", "Binary Search", "Red-Black", "Splay", "Two-Three", "Two-Three-Four"}
    and calls displayBothChildren on that BST. Notice what the shape of the BST looks like (without the empty subtrees).
    + Left  (empty)
    + Right Binary Search
            + Left  (empty)
            + Right Red-Black
                    + Left  (empty)
                    + Right Splay
                            + Left  (empty)
                            + Right Two-Three
                                    + Left  (empty)
                                    + Right Two-Three-Four

The last test case inserts 200 Baby Names and produces the following output which can be found HERE. For this test, the driver code is already in codePost: It inserts all 200 baby names (#1 girl, #1 boy, #2 girl, #2 boy, #3 girl, ...) into a BST object and then calls the displayBothChildren method on that object.

Consider how the the output compares with pre-order, in-order and post-order traversal.

You will also need the following files to compile on your machine (but you do not need to upload them):