Splay Trees Exercises

  1. Discuss with your neighbor:
    1. What a Splay tree is (and is not)
    2. The main advantage(s) of using a Splay tree?
    3. The Big-Ohs for Splay trees operations:
      Average-case Worst-case
    4. What does amortized mean?
  2. Review the splaying handout
  3. Insert the numbers 1, 2, ... 5 into a Splay tree.
    Draw the tree after each insertion.
    Draw the tree after each Zig, Zig-zag and Zig-zig rotation.
    (Note: If it's helpful, identify which node is k1, k2, ...)
    (Note: Double check that after each rotation that it's still a BST.)
  4. Insert the numbers 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8 into a Splay tree.
    Draw the tree after each insertion.
    Draw the tree after each Zig, Zig-zag and Zig-zig rotation.

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