Graph Terminology
- graph - a graph G is a collection of two sets: V, a set of vertices and E, a set of edges that connect the vertices
- directed graph or digraph - {v1, v2} - graph in which each edge is associated with an ordered pair of vertices
- undirected graph or graph - graph in which each edge is associated with an unordered pair of vertices
- adjacent - a vertex v1 in a graph G is adjacent to v2 if there is an edge between v1 to v2
- adjacent - a vertex v1 in a digraph G is adjacent to v2 if there is a directed edge from vertex v1 to vertex v2
- path - sequence of vertices v1, v2, v3, where there is an edge from vi to vi+1
- directed path - sequence of directed edges between two vertices
- simple path - path in which all vertices are distinct
- cycle - a path in which first and last vertices are the same
- simple cycle - a cycle that begins and ends at the same vertex and does not pass through other vertices more than once
- acyclic graph - graph with no cycles
- tree - connected, acyclic graph with a specially designated vertex called the root
- connected graph - there is a path between any two vertices (undirected)
- strongly connected - there is a path between any two vertices (digraph)
- weakly connected - there is a path from vertex I to vertex J or from vertex J to vertex I
- outdegree of a vertex - number of edges extending from the vertex (digraph)
- indegree of a vertex - number of edges entering a vertex (digraph)
- degree of a vertex - number of edges adjacent to a vertex
- complete graph - a graph with each pair of distinct vertices having an edge between them (graph with n vertices and exactly n(n-1)/2 edges)
- complete directed graph - a directed graph with exactly n(n-1) edges
- weighted graph - graph in which the edges represent numeric values
- multigraph - figure which has multiple occurrences of the same edge (two or more edges between two vertices)
- network - graph in which each edge has an associated positive numerical weight
- depth first search (DFS) - a graph traversal strategy in which a path from a vertex v proceeds as deeply into the graph as possible before backing up
- breadth-first search (BFS)- a graph traversal strategy in which a path from a vertex v visits every vertex adjacent to v that it can be fore visiting any other vertex
- topological order - linear ordering of the vertices in a digraph in which vertex x precedes vertex y if there is a directed edge from x to y in the graph
- topological sort - technique for arranging the vertices into topological order
- spanning tree - a subgraph of a connected undirected graph that contains all of its vertices and enough of its edges to form a tree
- DFS spanning tree - spanning tree created by executing a depth-first search of a graph's vertices
- BFS spanning tree - spanning tree created by executing a breadth-first search of a graph's vertices
- minimum spanning tree - spanning tree of a weighted, connected, undirected graph which has minimal edge-weight sum
- shortest path - the shortest path between two given vertices in a weighted graph is the path that has the smallest sum of its edge weights
- Euler circuit - a path in an undirected graph that begins at a vertex v, passes through every edge in the graph exactly once, and terminates at v
- Hamilton circuit - a path that begins at a vertex v, passes through every vertex in the graph exactly once, and terminates at v.
- Traveling salesman problem
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