Final Exam Topics: ******************************************************* Exam 1 & 2 Topics Module 7: Sorting Algorithms ================================= Algorithms ----------- Insertion sort Bubble sort Selection sort Mergesort Quicksort (pivot selection: default to video algorithm [median of 3]) Heapsort Bucket sort Radix sort For each algorithm: ----------- Big-Ohs + Best-case + Average-case + Worst-case + Extra Space Stable? Adaptive? Be able to trace the execution Be able to write code (for Insertion sort, Bubble sort and Selection sort) Module 8: Hashing ================================= Hash functions Resolving Collisions + Separate chaining + Linear probing + Quadratic Probing + Double Hashing Load Factor Alpha Rehashing Big-Ohs Module 9: Graphs ================================= Graph Terminology Graph ADT Graph Implementations + Adjacency Matrix + Adjacency List Graph traversals + Depth-First Search + Breadth-First Search Topological Sorting Shortest Paths Algorithms + Dijkstra's Algorithm Spanning Trees ----------- DFS spanning tree BFS spanning tree Minimum spanning tree (Prim's algorithm) Circuits + Euler + Hamiltonian * Traveling salesperson problem