Exam 1 Topics: ******************************************************* Enumerations Module 1: Generic Type, Comparator Class, Search Algorithms ================================= Generics ----------- When to use Difference between using Objects and a generic type Difference between Comparable Interface and Comparator Interface Implementing the Comparable interface Implementing the Comparator interface Module 2: Computational Complexity ================================= Measuring the efficiency of algorithms + Growth-rates of mathematical expressions + Growth-rates of code + Growth-rates of descriptive situations + Big-Oh Notation + Properties of Growth-rate Functions + Common Growth Rates + Worst-case vs. Average-case analysis Linear/Sequential Search vs. Binary Search ----------- Implementations Growth-rates of each Module 3: Linked Lists, Stacks and Queues ================================= Lists ----------- ADT Use cases Operations Big-Oh Stacks ----------- ADT Examples in everyday life Use cases Operations Big-Oh Queues ----------- ADT Examples in everyday life Use cases Operations Big-Oh