Turtle Graphics Exercises

  1. With your neighbor, re-order the following groups of code to display an "I". (Is it possible to have more than one possible orderings of the code below?)
    1. vertSideLen=45            # length of vertical sides 
      horSideLen=100            # length of horizontal sides 
    2. crush.right(90)
      crush.left(180)           # Turn around
    3. import turtle             # Allows us to use turtles
      wn = turtle.Screen()      # Creates a playground for turtles
    4. crush.forward(horSideLen)
    5. crush.forward(vertSideLen)
      crush.left(180)           # Turn around
    6. wn.exitonclick()          # Close the window when the user clicks on the exit button
    7. crush = turtle.Turtle()   # Create a turtle, assign to crush (from Finding Nemo)
    8. crush.forward(vertSideLen/2)
    9. crush.left(90)