import sys  # exit()

# returns the number of capital letters in chars
def countCapitals( chars ):

    capitals = 0  # number of capitals found

    # For each character in chars,
    # increase the counter if its a capital letter
    for ch in chars:
        if ch.isupper():
            capitals += 1

    return capitals

filename = 'info.txt'
mode = 'w'  # write mode
numCapitals = 0  # total number of capitals found

# Step 1) Open the file
# Step 2) Verify successful file open 
    infoInputFileObj = open( filename, 'r')

    # Step 3) Read from or write to the file

    # loop through each line in the file and
    # count the number of capitals in that line
    for line in infoInputFileObj:
        numCapitals += countCapitals( line )

    print('ERROR! Unable to open or read from', filename)

# Step 4) Close the file

print( f'Found {numCapitals} capital letters in {filename}')