Welcome to the game of Rock Paper Scissors! Round 1 Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered rock It's a tie! Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered paper You won this round! The score is: You: 1 Computer: 0 Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered scissors Sorry, the computer won this round! The score is: You: 1 Computer: 1 Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered rock It's a tie! Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered paper You won this round! The score is: You: 2 Computer: 1 Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered scissors Sorry, the computer won this round! The score is: You: 2 Computer: 2 Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered rock It's a tie! Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered paper You won this round! The score is: You: 3 Computer: 2 Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered scissors Sorry, the computer won this round! The score is: You: 3 Computer: 3 Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered ROCK Let's try again. Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered ROCK Let's try again. Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered ROCK Let's try again. Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered PAPER Let's try again. Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered scissors Sorry, the computer won this round! The score is: You: 3 Computer: 4 Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered QUIT Let's try again. Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered QUIT Let's try again. Please enter either rock, paper, scissors or quit: You entered quit Thanks for playing!