Exam3 Topics ------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: Functions --------------------------------- Keyword Arguments Global Variables and Global Constants Generating Random Numbers Value-Returning Functions + return keyword The math Module Storing Functions in Modules Chapter 6: Files and Exceptions --------------------------------- File input and output Opening a file File modes (and their consequences) Reading from a file Using a for loop to read lines from a file Writing to a file Determining the end of the file Closing a file Records and fields Exceptions Chapter 8: More about Strings --------------------------------- String concatenation (using the + operator) Accessing individual characters of a string Strings are immutable len() function String slicing [ start : end : step ] Testing strings with in and not in String methods String testing methods: isalnum() isalpha() isdigit() islower() isspace() isupper() String modification methods: lower() lstrip() lstrip( char ) rstrip() rstrip( char ) upper() String searching and replacing methods: startswith( substring ) endswith( substring ) find( substring) replace( substring, newString ) Repetition operator (*) Splitting a string (with split())