Programming Exercise 2

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Due Date

See the calendar for due date.


Write a program that asks the user for the number of males and the number of females registered in a class using two separate inputs. The program should display the percentage of males and females, rounded to the nearest integer using string formatting.


The following are a examples of correct execution (with the text in bold being the input from the user):
Enter number of females: 50
Enter number of males: 50

Percent females: 50.0%
Percent males: 50.0%
Enter number of females: 22
Enter number of males: 5
Percent females: 81.5%
Percent males: 18.5%
After completing the program and testing the output for accuracy, make sure that you have a comment lines at the top of your file with your name, course and section, current date, and assignment description.


Submit your python script using the handin program. For handin, for this lab, type the following in a terminal window exactly as it appears:
handin  pe2
To verify your submission, type the following in a terminal window:
handin  pe2


Made the output match exactly (meaning every character is the same) to the examples above.