MIS 483/583 - Use of Online Systems as Business Tools

Homework Assignments

(Late assignments will not be accepted. Homework must be submitted electronically to summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu by 5 p.m. on the due date.)

Assignment 1
Due June 9, 1999
Assignment 2
Due June 15, 1999
Assignment 3
Due June 17, 1999
Assignment 4
Due June 22, 1999
Assignment 5
Due June 24, 1999
Assignment 6
Due June 29, 1999

Research project and presentation - 100 pts.

You are expected to select a company and report on how the company uses online systems in their business. Once you have selected "your" company, you are responsible for contacting individuals at "your" company and finding out how the company uses online systems in their business. You may use the companies Internet site as well as any other resources available to you to locate contacts within the company. Your selected company needs to be submitted to the discussion group no later than June 10, 1999, so that the presentations can be scheduled. This assignment must be completed by June 23th, so that we can discuss the documents and their presentation in class.

You are expected to submit an HTML document (50 pts) suitable for publishing on the Internet as well as presenting a report via chat and/or bulletin board (50 pts) to the class and instructor. Both the HTML document and the report are expected to be professional in their presentation. Each oral presentation should be approximately fifteen minutes in length.

Selected companies and government agencies include:

Your project will be graded based on the following criteria:

Web site project - 100 pts.

You are expected to develop a web site for a local business, suitable for posting on the Internet. You are expected to contribute to the project by developing a collection of HTML documents suitable for publication. You will be expected to contact the business owner, determine their needs, work with the business to design and create the web page. You will be expected to work with the business in finding a solution for the business to display the web site.[Web Hosting] This assignment must be completed by June 28th, so that we can discuss the documents and their presentation in class.

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written by Wayne Summers summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu