APPROXIMATE FORMAT (You may bring a one page hand-written study sheet (8 1/2 x 11")


Chapters 1-8; Homework, Cases

  1. Chapter 1 - Knowledge Work, Knowledge Workers, and Productivity
    1. examples of knowledge work and knowledge workers
    2. difference among different types of knowledge
    3. impact of resources on task performance
    4. productivity and efficiency
  2. Chapter 2 – Knowledge Workers and Information Management
    1. organizational and individual IS's
    2. organizational and individual information management
    3. templates
  3. Chapter 3 – Analyzing Individual Knowledge Work
    1. kinds of knowledge work tasks
    2. groups of knowledge work activities
    3. analysis of knowledge work
  4. Chapter 4 – Analyzing Collaboration and Work Management Requirements
    1. pros and cons of collaborative work
    2. costs of collaboration
    3. workgroup technologies
    4. analysis of collaborative work requirements
  5. Chapter 5 – Analyzing Data and Communications Requirements
    1. sources of data
    2. requirements for collecting data
    3. computer communications
    4. data and communications requirements
  6. Chapter 6 – Organizing and Managing Sofware and Data
    1. managing and controlling packaged software
    2. organizing directories
    3. maintaining data and software integrity
    4. sharing data among applications
  7. Chapter 7 – Accessing Organizational Data
    1. managing organizational data
    2. review of data concepts
    3. relational databases
  8. Chapter 8 – Accessing External Data
    1. external data categories and sources
    2. accessing external data sources
    3. locating data sources
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